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Heres a list of all the errors that can be returned by the API.


"type": "some_type",
"message": "Some message"


no_code400No 6 digit pin wasn't provided
invalid_code401The 6 digit pin provided was invalid
no_account_found400The user wasn't found, maybe they need to register first
invalid_account400The Code provided pointed to a faulty user, try again
terminated_account403The user account was banned by the auth server owner
account_exists409The user already exists and therefore cannot register
username_too_long400The provided username was too long
username_too_short400The provided username was too short
invalid_username400Username may only contain letters, numbers, dashes and underscores
username_taken409The username is already occupied by another user
no_user400The targeted user does not exist
invalid_token403The provided authtoken is invalid
invalid_key403The provided temporary auth key is invalid or already used
invalid_server403The provided server does not match the one that the auth key was generated for
too_many_requests429You have been rate limited for sending to many requests
internal_error500An internal server error occured, the message will tell you more