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The launcher will only try to auth with the proxy when the server is registered as a public server. You cannot use the proxy with a private server yet.


  • Node.js (Latest LTS version)
  • Git
  • A KoCity server (Guide coming soon)


Make sure you have nodejs installed correctly by running node -v in your terminal. It should return the version of node you have installed. If it does not, please reinstall nodejs.

Downloading the source code

To download the source code, you need to clone the repository. You can do this by running the following command in your terminal:

git clone

This will create a folder called KOCity-Proxy in your current directory. You can change the directory by running cd KOCity-Proxy.

Installing dependencies

To install the dependencies, you need to run the following command in your terminal:

npm install

This will install all the dependencies required to run the proxy server.

Configuring the proxy

The git clone command downloads a file called config.json in the root directory of the proxy. This file contains all the configuration options for the proxy. You can change the values in this file to your liking.

Please note that you have to change the name of the server in the server field to the name of your server.

Preparing to run the proxy

Before you can run the proxy, you will have to change the backend port of the knockout city server to something like 23500 and close that port in your firewall. You can do this by adding the -backend_port=23500 flag when starting the server. Example:

KnockoutCityServer.exe -backend_port=23500

Running the proxy

To run the proxy, you need to run the following command in your terminal:

npm start

This will start the proxy server.

The proxy will be replacing the original port 23600 so make sure you keep that one open and close the other port in your firewall to prevent people from skipping the proxy.


To update the proxy, you need to run the following command in your terminal:

git pull

This will update the proxy to the latest version. You will have to restart the proxy after updating.